About the product

SKY1500 model complex and heavy duty BMU’s are generally suitable for horizontally long reach buildings with the need of special manevouir capabilities which are installed on twin track rails on the roof slab. These units are designed and fabricated based on the buildigs needs. To position the platforms on the facade or at the galleria areas, the machine is equiped with motorized functions such as traversing, slewing, luffing jib and rotary spreader.This model can also be equiped with GRU’s (Glass Replacement Unit) as per the requirement.
The platfoms can be standard on straight facades and can be with adaptors, pantographic or telescopic on areas with ressess to be able to extend and reach the desired resses.
SKY1500 BMU’s are designed to suit the architecture and the requirement of the buildings completely fullfiled and based on EN 1808:2015 standards.

The platfoms can be standard on straight facades and can be with adaptors, pantographic or telescopic on areas with ressess to be able to extend and reach the desired resses.

The platforms vertical movement can be with either tractional hoist on the platform or with multilayer drums placed on the unit.

SKY1000 BMU’s are designed to suit the architecture and the requirement of the buildings completely fullfiled and based on EN 1808:2015 standards.